Hymenoptera: Vespidae

Vespula Germanica  

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)
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© Vik Dunis 2014
Melbourne, VIC (Oct, 2014)
Wallpaper image
Wallpaper thumb: European Wasp

While making dinner I discovered a European Wasp sitting on my work surface. Not the best place to sit while I'm wielding a sharp knife. I carefully put a glass over it until I'd finished dinner.

Any creature that joins me in my place has to be prepared for a photography session. After the wasp had got tired of investigating the inside of the upside-down glass (European Wasps can climb up glass I discovered), I slowly removed the glass and took photos while the wasp explored its new-found freedom on the table top.

Happily, it didn't fly and I got to take a couple of photos. Its exploration included climbing up the outside of the glass it had previously been inside. Glutton for punishment, that wasp.

I captured it in the glass again, since it seemed to like it so much, and released it outside.

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

Kitchen Visitor

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

European Wasp

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

Approaching the nest

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

European Wasp Nest

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

European Wasp Nest

European Wasp (Vespula Germanica)

European Wasp